I am a certified ThetaHealing® Instructor & Practitioner, Multidimensional Healing Instructor & Therapist, Arcturian Master and Reiki Master .

    I empower people to unlock their full potential so they can find and embrace their life's purpose so they can create a life they truly desire. 

  • I help these people identify and clear the deep energy blocks and limiting beliefs that are causing challenges in their life so they can release stress, enhance self-confidence and overcome their past traumas, fears and phobias so they can naturally attract more happiness, joy, love, wellness, health, abundance and prosperity.

    I am originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and passionate about Ireland where I have lived since 2016. 

    My journey of intuitive development and self-discovery started 15 years ago, when I became a member of IEVE -Oriental Spiritualist Mystical Institution-, where I studied and provided spiritual and energy healing treatments in Rio de Janeiro. I have also explored different techniques and expanded my intuitive healing abilities.

    Over these years, I have grown and flourished in all levels - spiritual, emotional and mental so I have awakened to my soul's purpose and fully embraced it. I love seeing my clients and students become aware of their life purpose and being able to assist them in their healing journey brings me so much joy.